Promote the uniqueness of jurisdiction and the uniformity of rituals and practices, also with reference to the provisions of art. 38 avoiding attempts to modify (return to the past) the Berruti proposal.

Monitoring of the establishment of specialized sections in the Courts and “promotion” of the specialized sections in the Public Prosecutor’s Offices.
This activity can not be separated from the involvement of the Magistrates of the Court and Court of Appeal of the individual districts, which deal with the matter of family law, with the possible establishment of a mixed commission. On the subject, solicit the common formation, inviting the CSM to foresee the presence of a greater number of lawyers (registered to the most representative familiarist associations) to the training courses of the magistrates.
Discusses issues concerning the enforcement of family law measures (in collaboration with European Law Commission)
Discusses issues related to mixed marriages: in particular with Islamic law (in collaboration with the Human Rights Commission).
Promotion of projects for schools and public administrations, aimed at education and respect, in synergy with MIUR and ANCI, for overcoming the prejudices and discriminations caused by the lack of information and a lack of awareness of the problem. Educating respect for those who are different (by gender, illness / syndrome, religious orientation, sexual orientation) but not for this “different” (in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Commission)
To deepen the deontological and specific training aspects of the familiar lawyer; advocate lawyer; advocacy lawyer, barrister negotiator, mediator lawyer, child lawyer, special curator lawyer (in collaboration with deontological commissions, training (also common to and with magistrates)
Evaluate the possibility of stipulating memorandums of understanding with local authorities in order to establish, where possible, guarantee funds for “weak” subjects who are victims of repeated non-compliance with maintenance obligations.
Coordination (permanent work table) with the most representative industry associations.